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500 个结果
  • 简介:缆车进入了黑洞洞的世界,上不着天,下不着地。坐在缆车上,我心里一阵寒颤,一种从未有过的恐惧袭上心头。其实这只是游乐园逗小孩子的地方,我心里清楚这些都是假的,可一旦置身其中,神经依然极度紧张,心跳异常地扑动着。我也不时因受不了刺激而发出尖叫。远处,几只大手又一次向我扑来,

  • 标签: 《感激》 主题 日记 中学 学生作文 评析
  • 简介:Ж.Вот только что праздники прошли. Ты куданибудь ходила?И.А как же! В гостях была, и ко мне гости приходили.Ж.Скажи, а ведь русские тоже любят приглашать в гости?И.Конечно. Русское гостеприимство—об этом всем известно еще с давних времен.Ж.Да, у нас в стране тоже об этом слышали, а те, кто когдато учился в России, с удовольствием об этом вспоминают. А ты можешь рассказать об особых обычаях гостеприимства у русских?И.Ну, самый известный обычай—это когда гостей встречают с хлебом и солью.Ты видела, наве...

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  • 简介:童话故事的结尾总是“王子和公主过上了幸福的生活……”让我们来瞅瞅,在《里约大冒险》第一部里,男主角Blu——世界上仅存的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,在找到了美丽动人的妻子Jewl后,过上了怎样的幸福生活:

  • 标签: 小学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
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  • 简介:又是谁'需要'我们人类,西方科学文化总是能够给人类留下一个",是'时间'和'你'的智能思想共同作用在智能生命(包括人在内)与自然之间所产生的影响与结果

  • 标签: 东方太极 人类科技 太极文化
  • 简介:如果有人问你“22=?”,你肯定会回答“4”!但在生活中,22有时却不等于4哟!小胖想把两根长2米的铁条焊接成一根,焊接部分长1米,焊接后这根铁条长几米?我们不妨先画出图来。仔细看图,我们发现,焊接后,两根铁条有部分重叠在一起了,重叠的长度是1米。焊接后的铁条由三部分组成:第一根铁条没重叠的部分、两根铁条重叠的部分、第二根铁条没重叠的部分。将这三部分加起来就是焊接后铁条的长度,即1+1+1=3(米)。

  • 标签: 小学生 数学学习 阅读知识 课外阅读
  • 简介:Cannon对英语中汉语的借词所作的分析,英语词汇 中汉语借词 的来源,进入英语 的汉语借词 明显增 加

  • 标签: 特点演变 英语特点
  • 简介:and evaluating the success of a particular strategy. They have an executive function. In O’Malley and Chamot framework of learning strategies,Oxford’s taxonomy fails to make a distinction between strategies directed at learning the L2 and those directed at using it (Ellis). The last problem is that compensation strategies are considered as a direct type of learning strategies rather than one type of production strategies,cognitive and social/affective. They grounded the study of learning strategies within the information-processing model of learning developed by Anderson. Metacognitive strategies involve consciously directing one’s efforts into the learning task. These strategies are higher order executive skills that may entail planning learning

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  • 简介:<正>公式"sin2α+cos2α=1"有广泛的应用,本文拟从正用、逆用和巧用三个方面举例说明.一、正用正用就是在遇见有sin2α、cos2α时,能及时想到它们的和为1,同样,在遇到sin2α时,想到它等于1-cos2α.这一关系,在求值、化简、等式证明等各类问题中经常遇到.

  • 标签: 求值 cos~2 sin~2 二元一次方程组 数学爱好者 椭圆方程
  • 简介:2CM-2型马铃薯种植机与44.12~47.8kW轮式拖拉机配套,取薯装置采用国外普遍使用的宽带双勺式结构,可有效避免重播、漏播,提高播种质量。该机采用3点悬挂连接,一次完成开沟、施肥、播种、覆土等作业。机具结构合理、功能齐全、性能稳定,已通过内蒙古自治区科技成果鉴定。

  • 标签: 马铃薯种植机 2型 科技成果鉴定 内蒙古自治区 播种质量 机具结构
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:The aim of this work was to explore the feasibility of in vivo and non-invasive monitoring of deuterium/hydrogen (2H/1H) exchange at the metabolic level upon exposure to heavy water (2H2O).Methods:The healthy female mice were randomly assigned to two groups after day 0 when both mice received standard drinking water. The treated mouse was fed with 2H2O (80%, v/v) and the control mouse fed with standard drinking water (H2O) over next 13 days. Real-time mass spectrometric analysis of volatile metabolism emitted through breathing and the skin was performed on days 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, and 13. Animal experiment was approved by the Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee of Jinan University (approval No. 20161117163322) on October 29, 2021.Results:We observed a replacement of 1H by 2H in 52 mass spectral features (60 2H/1H isotopologue pairs) for the mouse fed with 2H2O, but not for the control mouse. These included pyruvic acid and lactic acid, lysine and methyl-lysine as well as short-chain fatty acids comprising acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and valeric acid.Conclusion:Secondary electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry allows monitoring in vivo2H-incorporation of metabolites in a non-invasive and real-time setup and opens new opportunities to use 2H tracing to extend current metabolic studies, especially those with a focus on anaerobic glycolysis, lysine methylation and gut microbiome via monitoring of short-chain fatty acids.

  • 标签: deuterium isotopes metabolomics non-invasive secondary electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry
  • 简介:Thecanonicalandlocatizedmolecutarorbitersof[NCCuS2NoS2]2-clusterwerecalculatedbymeansofCNDOquantumchemistrymethod.Thentheenergyandpropertiesofcorrespondingchemicatbondswerediscussed,especially,Cu-Sb-NothreecenterconjugatedπbondsandNo-St-Noconjugatedπbondswereaccountedfor.