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49 个结果
  • 简介:社会化养老需要大量的老年服务管理人才,目前老年服务管理人才的匮乏越来越成为制约我国养老行业发展的瓶颈,老年服务管理的教育也严重滞后于养老行业的发展和需要。文章通过分析我国老年服务管理人才的现状及老年服务管理教育中存在的问题,提出了高职院校“老年服务管理专业”教学的措施、对策和建议。

  • 标签: 老年服务与管理 实践教学 高职教育
  • 简介:摘要老年痴呆是一类慢性进行性精神衰退疾病,其病程隐匿、进展缓慢,又称阿尔茨海默病。没有明确的诱因,以神经元坏死、老年斑、神经纤维缠结、细胞外淀粉样蛋白沉积等为特征。是一种以进行性认知障碍和记忆能力损害为主的中枢神经系统退行性疾病。由于其“高患病率、高致残率、高死亡率”和“疗效低”的特点,已经成为当今社会不可忽视的公共卫生难题之一。目前,治疗老年痴呆尚无特效药,只有通过护理干预来延缓病情的发展,改善患者的生活质量。早期干预可延缓其发生或发展5至7年。护理人员为了让老人有一个高质量的晚年生活,及早发现并采取一定的干预措施有重要意义。

  • 标签: 老年痴呆 护理 干预 探讨
  • 简介:教师权威在本质上是对学校权威和师生关系的集中体现,有其存在的合理性必要性。在素质教育和新课程改革的时代背景下,教师权威受到了全面的挑战。为顺应现代教育改革发展的趋势,教师权威内涵的转变成为必然。教师权威产生的基础是教师专业素养,究其本质是对师生关系及观念变化的重新定位。《教师专业标准》为提高教师专业发展水平提供了依据和方向,并对教师权威的转变提出了新要求,具体体现在教书育人,师德为先;教师主导,学生为本;全面发展,能力为重;终身学习,且行且思等四个方面。

  • 标签: 教师权威 教师专业发展 角色转变
  • 简介:摘要随着时代的发展、社会的进步,以及人们生活水平的提升,人们对供电企业政工工作效果的关注度变得越来越高。但在实际的工作中,供电企业的政工工作存在着一些问题,严重影响着供电企业思想政治工作的正常进行。本文将从供电企业政工工作存在的问题角度出发,对新形势下供电企业政工工作创新进行有效性研究。

  • 标签: 供电企业 政工工作 管理 创新
  • 简介:  摘要:目的:分析老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿护理中舒适护理的应用效果。方法:以本院 2016年 9月~ 2018年 9月间治疗的 40例老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者作为研究对象,借助双盲随机抽样法分为对照、观察组,每组列入 20例,对照组实施传统护理干预,观察组实施舒适护理干预,对比 2组护理满意度、生活质量评分、舒适度。结果:治疗前, 2组患者的生活质量改善程度无显著差异, P>0.05;治疗后,观察组相较于对照组患者的生活質量评分升高, P<0.05;观察组( 98.18%)相较于对照组护理满意度( 85.45%)较高,观察组相较于对照组舒适度显著提升, P<0.05。结论:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者实施舒适护理干预具有积极意义,可显著提升患者的护理满意度,改善生活质量及舒适度,值得临床推广采纳。    关键词:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿 ;舒适护理 ;应用效果    Abstract: Objective: to analyze the application effect of comfortable nursing in the nursing of senile chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Methods: 40 elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema who were treated in our hospital from September 2016 to September 2018 were divided into control group and observation group by double blind random sampling method. Each group was included in 20 cases. Traditional nursing intervention was carried out in the control group and comfortable nursing intervention was carried out in the observation group. Nursing satisfaction, quality of life score and comfort degree were compared in the two groups. Results: before treatment, there was no significant difference in the improvement of quality of life between the two groups (P > 0.05); after treatment, the quality of life score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05); the nursing satisfaction of the observation group (98.18%) was higher than that of the control group (85.45%), and the comfort of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: comfort nursing intervention in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema is of positive significance, which can significantly improve the nursing satisfaction of patients, improve the quality of life and comfort, and is worthy of clinical promotion and adoption.

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  • 简介:  摘要:目的:分析老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿护理中舒适护理的应用效果。方法:以本院 2016年 9月~ 2018年 9月间治疗的 40例老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者作为研究对象,借助双盲随机抽样法分为对照、观察组,每组列入 20例,对照组实施传统护理干预,观察组实施舒适护理干预,对比 2组护理满意度、生活质量评分、舒适度。结果:治疗前, 2组患者的生活质量改善程度无显著差异, P>0.05;治疗后,观察组相较于对照组患者的生活質量评分升高, P<0.05;观察组( 98.18%)相较于对照组护理满意度( 85.45%)较高,观察组相较于对照组舒适度显著提升, P<0.05。结论:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者实施舒适护理干预具有积极意义,可显著提升患者的护理满意度,改善生活质量及舒适度,值得临床推广采纳。    关键词:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿 ;舒适护理 ;应用效果    Abstract: Objective: to analyze the application effect of comfortable nursing in the nursing of senile chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Methods: 40 elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema who were treated in our hospital from September 2016 to September 2018 were divided into control group and observation group by double blind random sampling method. Each group was included in 20 cases. Traditional nursing intervention was carried out in the control group and comfortable nursing intervention was carried out in the observation group. Nursing satisfaction, quality of life score and comfort degree were compared in the two groups. Results: before treatment, there was no significant difference in the improvement of quality of life between the two groups (P > 0.05); after treatment, the quality of life score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05); the nursing satisfaction of the observation group (98.18%) was higher than that of the control group (85.45%), and the comfort of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: comfort nursing intervention in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema is of positive significance, which can significantly improve the nursing satisfaction of patients, improve the quality of life and comfort, and is worthy of clinical promotion and adoption.

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  • 简介:  摘要:目的:对临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的实践应用进行了分析探究。方法:以我院老年病房在 2017年 1月至 2019年 1月间收治的 30例老年临终患者为研究对象,之后在分析汇总其常规资料的基础上将其分成了实验及对照两组,每组各 15例患者。对照组内患者采用的是常规护理措施,而实验组内患者则在常规护理措施的基础上增加了临终关怀护理项目。 30例患者的护理周期均为 3个月,之后对患者的抑郁焦虑评分及患者家属对护理工作的满意度进行了分析对比。结果:待护理完成后,两组患者的抑郁焦虑评分护理前相比均显著较低( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者的抑郁和焦虑评分变化情况比对照组更为明显,结论具有显著统计学差异( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者家属的满意度同样显著优于对照组( P<0.05)。结论:临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的应用实践有助于降低患者的焦虑和抑郁评分,且本研究中涉及到的管理措施及经验值得进一步推广。    关键词:临终关怀护理 ;老年病房 ;临终患者 ;护理实践  Abstract: Objective: to analyze and explore the practical application of hospice care measures in the hospice care of elderly patients. Methods: 30 cases of elderly dying patients admitted to the geriatric ward of our hospital from January 2017 to January 2019 were taken as the research objects. Then, on the basis of analyzing and summarizing their routine data, they were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group, with 15 patients in each group. The patients in the control group adopted the routine nursing measures, while the patients in the experimental group increased the hospice care items on the basis of the routine nursing measures. The nursing cycle of 30 patients was 3 months, and then the depression and anxiety scores of patients and the satisfaction of patients' families with nursing work were analyzed and compared. Results: after the completion of nursing, the scores of depression and anxiety in the two groups were significantly lower than those before nursing (P < 0.05). After the completion of nursing, the changes of depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group were more significant than those in the control group, and the conclusion was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After nursing, the satisfaction of the family members of the patients in the experimental group was also significantly better than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: the application of hospice nursing measures in the nursing work of the terminal patients in the geriatric ward is helpful to reduce the anxiety and depression scores of the patients, and the management measures and experience involved in this study are worthy of further promotion.

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  • 简介:  摘要:目的:对临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的实践应用进行了分析探究。方法:以我院老年病房在 2017年 1月至 2019年 1月间收治的 30例老年临终患者为研究对象,之后在分析汇总其常规资料的基础上将其分成了实验及对照两组,每组各 15例患者。对照组内患者采用的是常规护理措施,而实验组内患者则在常规护理措施的基础上增加了临终关怀护理项目。 30例患者的护理周期均为 3个月,之后对患者的抑郁焦虑评分及患者家属对护理工作的满意度进行了分析对比。结果:待护理完成后,两组患者的抑郁焦虑评分护理前相比均显著较低( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者的抑郁和焦虑评分变化情况比对照组更为明显,结论具有显著统计学差异( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者家属的满意度同样显著优于对照组( P<0.05)。结论:临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的应用实践有助于降低患者的焦虑和抑郁评分,且本研究中涉及到的管理措施及经验值得进一步推广。    关键词:临终关怀护理 ;老年病房 ;临终患者 ;护理实践  Abstract: Objective: to analyze and explore the practical application of hospice care measures in the hospice care of elderly patients. Methods: 30 cases of elderly dying patients admitted to the geriatric ward of our hospital from January 2017 to January 2019 were taken as the research objects. Then, on the basis of analyzing and summarizing their routine data, they were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group, with 15 patients in each group. The patients in the control group adopted the routine nursing measures, while the patients in the experimental group increased the hospice care items on the basis of the routine nursing measures. The nursing cycle of 30 patients was 3 months, and then the depression and anxiety scores of patients and the satisfaction of patients' families with nursing work were analyzed and compared. Results: after the completion of nursing, the scores of depression and anxiety in the two groups were significantly lower than those before nursing (P < 0.05). After the completion of nursing, the changes of depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group were more significant than those in the control group, and the conclusion was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After nursing, the satisfaction of the family members of the patients in the experimental group was also significantly better than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: the application of hospice nursing measures in the nursing work of the terminal patients in the geriatric ward is helpful to reduce the anxiety and depression scores of the patients, and the management measures and experience involved in this study are worthy of further promotion.

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  • 简介:  摘要:目的:对临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的实践应用进行了分析探究。方法:以我院老年病房在 2017年 1月至 2019年 1月间收治的 30例老年临终患者为研究对象,之后在分析汇总其常规资料的基础上将其分成了实验及对照两组,每组各 15例患者。对照组内患者采用的是常规护理措施,而实验组内患者则在常规护理措施的基础上增加了临终关怀护理项目。 30例患者的护理周期均为 3个月,之后对患者的抑郁焦虑评分及患者家属对护理工作的满意度进行了分析对比。结果:待护理完成后,两组患者的抑郁焦虑评分护理前相比均显著较低( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者的抑郁和焦虑评分变化情况比对照组更为明显,结论具有显著统计学差异( P<0.05)。护理完成后,实验组内患者家属的满意度同样显著优于对照组( P<0.05)。结论:临终关怀护理措施在老年病房临终患者护理工作中的应用实践有助于降低患者的焦虑和抑郁评分,且本研究中涉及到的管理措施及经验值得进一步推广。    关键词:临终关怀护理 ;老年病房 ;临终患者 ;护理实践  Abstract: Objective: to analyze and explore the practical application of hospice care measures in the hospice care of elderly patients. Methods: 30 cases of elderly dying patients admitted to the geriatric ward of our hospital from January 2017 to January 2019 were taken as the research objects. Then, on the basis of analyzing and summarizing their routine data, they were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group, with 15 patients in each group. The patients in the control group adopted the routine nursing measures, while the patients in the experimental group increased the hospice care items on the basis of the routine nursing measures. The nursing cycle of 30 patients was 3 months, and then the depression and anxiety scores of patients and the satisfaction of patients' families with nursing work were analyzed and compared. Results: after the completion of nursing, the scores of depression and anxiety in the two groups were significantly lower than those before nursing (P < 0.05). After the completion of nursing, the changes of depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group were more significant than those in the control group, and the conclusion was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After nursing, the satisfaction of the family members of the patients in the experimental group was also significantly better than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: the application of hospice nursing measures in the nursing work of the terminal patients in the geriatric ward is helpful to reduce the anxiety and depression scores of the patients, and the management measures and experience involved in this study are worthy of further promotion.

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  • 简介:  摘要:目的:分析老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿护理中舒适护理的应用效果。方法:以本院 2016年 9月~ 2018年 9月间治疗的 40例老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者作为研究对象,借助双盲随机抽样法分为对照、观察组,每组列入 20例,对照组实施传统护理干预,观察组实施舒适护理干预,对比 2组护理满意度、生活质量评分、舒适度。结果:治疗前, 2组患者的生活质量改善程度无显著差异, P>0.05;治疗后,观察组相较于对照组患者的生活質量评分升高, P<0.05;观察组( 98.18%)相较于对照组护理满意度( 85.45%)较高,观察组相较于对照组舒适度显著提升, P<0.05。结论:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者实施舒适护理干预具有积极意义,可显著提升患者的护理满意度,改善生活质量及舒适度,值得临床推广采纳。    关键词:老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿 ;舒适护理 ;应用效果    Abstract: Objective: to analyze the application effect of comfortable nursing in the nursing of senile chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Methods: 40 elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema who were treated in our hospital from September 2016 to September 2018 were divided into control group and observation group by double blind random sampling method. Each group was included in 20 cases. Traditional nursing intervention was carried out in the control group and comfortable nursing intervention was carried out in the observation group. Nursing satisfaction, quality of life score and comfort degree were compared in the two groups. Results: before treatment, there was no significant difference in the improvement of quality of life between the two groups (P > 0.05); after treatment, the quality of life score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05); the nursing satisfaction of the observation group (98.18%) was higher than that of the control group (85.45%), and the comfort of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: comfort nursing intervention in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema is of positive significance, which can significantly improve the nursing satisfaction of patients, improve the quality of life and comfort, and is worthy of clinical promotion and adoption.

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  • 简介:摘要:目的:对健康教育在老年脑血管病护理中的应用进行分析和探讨。方法:本次研究时间为2018年10月,结束于2020年10月,研究对象为这一期间在本院进行治疗的老年脑血管疾病患者共90例,为了更好的了解健康教育的应用价值,本次研究采用对比的方式进行,将90例患者按照数字分组法随机分为观察组和对照组各45例,将常规护理应用在对照组患者的护理过程中,在对照组患者的基础上加强健康教育应用在观察组患者的护理过程中,对比两组患者护理前后的生活质量以及护理满意度。结果:经过对比后发现,观察组患者护理后的生活质量以及护理满意度均优于对照组,差异符合统计学意义的评判标准(P<0.05)。结论:在老年脑血管病的护理过程中采用健康教育可以有效的提升患者的生活质量以及护理满意度,效果较为显著,值得临床推广及应用。

  • 标签: 健康教育 老年脑血管病 应用价值
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨社区健康女性老年人心功能与认知功能的相关性。方法选取德胜社区50~80岁的女性老年人100例,采集其年龄、性别、身高、体重、血压、身体质量指数(BMI),测定其安静状态下的心率(P1)、运动30 s后心率(P2)、休息1 min后心率(P3),计算心功能指数K。同时测定所有实验样本的简单反应时、注意力和空间记忆位置广度。使用Pearson相关性分析法进行心功能参数认知功能参数的相关性分析。结果受试人群安静心率(P1)简单反应时呈正相关关系(r=0.241,P<0.05),运动后休息1 min的即刻心率(P3)简单反应时呈正相关关系(r=0.328,P<0.05),心功能指数简单反应时呈正相关关系(r=0.277,P<0.05)。受试人群安静心率(P1)注意力呈负相关关系(r=-0.300,P<0.05),运动后即刻心率注意力呈负相关关系(r=-0.630,P<0.05)运动后休息1 min的即刻心率(P3)注意力呈负相关关系(r=-0.563,P<0.05),心功能指数注意力呈负相关关系(r=-0.458,P<0.05)。结论心功能与注意力具有正相关性,心功能越好,注意力越好。运动后心脏泵血收缩能力注意力呈正相关,运动后心脏泵血能力越强,注意力越好;心脏回血舒张能力简单反应时呈正相关,心脏舒张回血能力越强,反应速度越快。

  • 标签: 心功能指数 注意力 简单反应时 空间记忆 老年人 相关性
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨社区老年高血压患者采取循证护理对血压生活质量的影响。方法对照组(50例)实施常规护理,研究组(50例)加用循证护理,对比分析效果。结果研究组血压达标率生活质量SF-36评分均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论社区老年高血压患者实施循证护理,血压达标率高,并改善生活质量,值得借鉴。

  • 标签: 社区高血压 循证护理 血压 生活质量
  • 简介:摘要目的研究分析在糖尿病护理中给予优质护理干预对患者的临床疗效。方法选取我院2014年7月-2015年9月所收治的56例糖尿病患者,分为两组观察组及对照组,每组各28例,对照组采用常规护理方式进行护理,观察组则在对照组的基础上进行优质护理干预,比较两组在不同护理方式下的治疗效果和护理满意率情况。结果观察组的治疗效果较之对照组差异具有显著性(P<0.05)具有统计学意义,且观察组的护理满意率27(96.42%)明显高于对照组的22(78.57%),具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对糖尿病患者实施优质护理干预能够极大程度上有效提高治疗效果,同时也可提高患者的护理满意率,值得进一步用于临床推广和应用。

  • 标签: 糖尿病 优质护理 护理效果
  • 简介:【摘要】目的 分析老年期阿尔茨海默病进食困难患者中安全吞咽护理的应用效果。方法 计入64例病患为研究对象,截取于我院2020年11月-2021年11月收治老年期阿尔茨海默病进食困难患;采用简单随机法将患者平均分为2组,1组为应用常规护理的常规组(n=32),1组为应用安全吞咽护理的研究组(n=32);针对两组最终护理效果展开观察分析。结果 观察组干预后ALB水平及进食不安全事件(呛咳、噎食、多食、漏食)发生率数据指标方面均优于常规组(P

  • 标签: 老年期 阿尔茨海默病 进食困难 安全吞咽护理
  • 简介:摘要电力资源是现代社会生产必需的能源之一,电力市场在现代的社会形势下,得到了蓬勃的发展。我国经济体制的改变也使得各个类型的企业均在开展深化改革活动,电力企业作为我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,其也在不断进行革新。但是现代的电力市场的供求关系,给电力营销工作带来了较大的难度,其也受到各种因素的影响,严重制约了供电企业的生存发展。其也成为现代供电企业管理人员工作的主要内容之一,因此,主要就对基层供电企业电力营销管理工作进行分析和探讨。

  • 标签: 基层供电企业 电力 营业管理
  • 作者: 李晓莉
  • 学科:
  • 创建时间:2024-05-17
  • 出处:《世界复合医学》2023年22期
  • 机构:山西省吕梁市临县中医院
  • 简介:摘要:随着医学技术的不断发展和患者需求的日益增加,产科疼痛管理已成为现代妇产科领域的重要议题。本文综述了近年来产科疼痛管理的最新进展,包括非药物性镇痛方法、药物性镇痛方法以及新兴疼痛管理技术的应用,旨在为临床医生和研究人员提供有价值的参考。

  • 标签: 产科 疼痛 非药物性镇痛 药物性镇痛
  • 简介:摘要建筑经济成本的管理关系着企业是否赢利,建筑企业健康的发展有着直接的联系。然而在实际的成本管理中,常常存在着许多的问题,而这些问题的出现,不仅仅会造成工程建设成本的增加,还有可能导致工程建设因资金问题而停工的现象,严重阻碍我国经济的发展。本文将对建筑经济中成本管理的问题及措施进行有效的分析。

  • 标签: 建筑工程 经济成本 问题措施
  • 简介:摘要随着我国改革开放的深入发展,电力经营管理更需科学、完善、对用电经营管理的理论知识和专业技术的需要也更加迫切。尤其是电力系统创建一流企业活动,为用电营业现代化提供了机遇和挑战,供电系统用电营业现代化势在必行。那么电力营业管理计算机模式应怎样实施是摆在用电营业工作者面前的课题。

  • 标签: 电力营业 计算机模式 分析探讨